Pet Stop Mobsters

Our Pet Stop Mobsters: Dedicated Ambassadors of Our Brand

Welcome to the Pet Stop Mobsters page! Here, we proudly introduce our dedicated brand ambassadors who embody the spirit and values of Pet Stop Boutique. Our Pet Stop Mobsters are a passionate group of pet lovers and advocates who share our mission of promoting the well-being and happiness of pets and their human companions. Learn more about these amazing dogs (and individuals), and discover how you can become a part of this vibrant community.

Meet Our Pet Stop Mobsters

Our Mobsters are diverse, coming from all walks of life, but they all share a common love for animals and a commitment to making a positive impact. Each ambassador is a trusted voice within the pet community, known for their dedication to pet care, advocacy, and education. They actively promote Pet Stop Boutique products, share valuable insights and experiences, and help foster a sense of community among pet owners.

What Our Pet Stop Mobsters Do

  • Product Promotion: Our Mobsters use and endorse Pet Stop Boutique products, sharing their honest reviews and experiences with their followers on social media and other platforms.
  • Community Engagement: They participate in pet-related events and online forums, spreading awareness about pet care and the benefits of our products.
  • Content Creation: From engaging blog posts and social media content to informative videos and live sessions, our Mobsters create high-quality content that educates and inspires pet owners.
  • Feedback and Improvement: They provide valuable feedback on our products, helping us continually improve and innovate to meet the needs of pets and their owners and also on what to bring to the store.

Join the Pet Stop Mobsters

Would you like to be part of our Pet Stop Mobsters? We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic pet lovers who are eager to make a difference. As a Pet Stop Mobster, you'll receive exclusive perks, including early access to new products, special discounts, and opportunities to collaborate on exciting projects.

How to Apply:

  1. Reach Out: Send us an email at or via our Instagram expressing your interest.
  2. Share Your Story: Tell us about yourself, your pets, and why you want to become a Pet Stop Mobster.
  3. Social Media Links: Provide links to your social media profiles and any relevant content you've created.

Benefits of Being a Pet Stop Mobster

  • Exclusive Access: Be the first to try our new products and share your insights.
  • Discounts and Rewards: Enjoy special discounts and rewards for your participation and engagement.
  • Community: Connect with other passionate pet lovers and influencers, expanding your network and impact.
  • Support: Receive support and resources from the Pet Stop Boutique team to help you create compelling content and grow your influence.

We are excited to expand our family of Pet Stop Mobsters and look forward to hearing from you. Join us in our mission to enhance the lives of pets and their owners, and be part of a community that truly makes a difference.

Meet our Pet Stop Mobsters:


Walt, a sweet and slightly insecure dog who adores chew bones and stuffed toys. He was born on February 18, 2020. He can be a bit of a picky eater, but he's a perfect model for photos because he knows he'll get a treat afterward. He's also quite smart with puzzles and enjoys a little nibbling.
His favorite food is cheese, but he's not a fan of swimming. On the bright side, he loves showering, brushing, and being dried with a blow dryer. Walt can be a little apprehensive around new people, but he absolutely loves car rides! Walt also donates all toys he no longer plays with!


Lupin, a tiny puppy, was adopted three years ago through Instagram when someone left him at his new owner's doorstep.
Their journey started in Turkey, moved to Athens for a year, and finally to Tallinn. Lupin has become quite the little explorer. He's also known as "mini dogo" due to his mysterious past; some say he's a pitbull, but he looks more like a dogo, only smaller. He's overflowing with love and enjoys long walks and yogurt with his owner. They may show affection differently, but their strong bond unites them.


Doortje, a dog that can seem really nice at times, like an angel, but can also be a bit naughty, like a little devil. She can act a bit grumpy sometimes, but she gets shy when she meets new people and other dogs.

Doortje was born on March 13, 2023 and really likes her big brother, Hunter. Doortje enjoys cuddling, playing, and eating lots of treats. She also likes digging holes in the ground, so her mouth and paws often get dirty. She is a great model because she loves spending time with people and, of course, getting treats.


Skye, is an affectionate dog with a deep fondness for stuffed toys and delicious treats. Skye's birthdate is November 25, 2014.

While Skye tends to get a tad over-enthusiastic when there are guests at home, her love extends to nearly everyone, including her two-year-old feline companion, Bean. Her absolute favorite snack is dried lung, and she strongly disapproves of bath time. She also loves swimming! Despite a neck hernia four years ago, Skye has made an impressive recovery following extensive surgery. She is a remarkably joyful and amiable pup.


Tony, wonderful and endearing dog, was born on August 23, 2021.
Tony's playful spirit extends to his fondness for toys and puzzles that involve seeking out hidden treats, showcasing his inquisitive and clever side. He is adored by all who have the pleasure of knowing him. Children love Tony. While Tony may not instantly warm up to new acquaintances, he's known for taking his time to establish a bond. Yet, once that connection is formed, it's a friendship for life, as Tony's loyalty knows no bounds.


Bobbie, the headstrong, cheerful, and curious wire-haired miniature dachshund who takes center stage at home.
Despite his modest stature, Bobbie has a personality that's larger than life itself. His love for cuddling is unparalleled, and he loves being close to people, always eager to be by your side. But beware, rainy days are not his favorite; Bobbie is definitely not a fan of water. He also dislikes swimming. He is a great little companion who has captured the hearts of his family with his unique charm and vibrant character.