Dogs are famous for always being loyal and friendly. People often think of them as their best buddies, but have you ever thought about what goes on in their little furry brains? What does a dog think about all day? What do dogs think it is funny? Does my dog think about me? If you have a dog, you've probably wondered more than once about what your dog is really thinking.
What kind of thoughts cross a dog's mind?
Scientists have been working hard to find an answer to that very question by doing scientific studies and watching how dogs behave. Even though we don't have definite answers yet, we can make some guesses about what might be going on in dogs' minds.
Food, treats and more!
We all know that dogs really enjoy food. They're often hungry and will go to great lengths to get some yummy treats. It's probably common for them to think about their next meal. They might also consider how different foods taste and feel in their mouths, and they could even have favorites when it comes to flavors or brands.
Dogs are social creatures and love to have fun with other dogs and people. They might think about their most loved toys or games and look forward to playing again. Dogs have heaps of energy and need to exercise often to stay well and happy. They might think about going for a walk or run, or having a game of fetch in the yard.
Loved ones!
Dogs are like team players. They need their buddies to survive. They depend on us humans for love and safety, and they consider us part of their family. They're really good at understanding when we're showing how we feel and can tell if we're happy, sad, or mad. They can even react in ways that fit these feelings.
Dogs also have their own feelings. They might think about being glad, pumped up, scared, or worried, and might show these emotions by wagging their tails, barking, or finding a quiet spot to hide.
Cozy naps!
Dogs really like feeling snug and comfy. They might look for soft beds or blankets to lie on. They could be thinking about finding a cozy place to take a nap or they might want to be close to people for some warmth and love.
Protection duty!
Dogs naturally want to keep themselves and their favorite people safe. They have a built in urge to help, like when they warn owners about fires, rescue kids from drowning, get help for someone who's fallen, or sense and tell their humans about an upcoming seizure. Dogs might think about things that could be dangerous around them and might react by barking or doing things to protect themselves and their humans from harm.
This smells like…
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell that lets them experience the world in a unique way compared to humans. They can catch many different scents and use their smell power to move around, recognize other dogs and people, and talk to fellow dogs. They might think about the various smells they come across at home, during a walk outside, or especially when they're riding in a car and enjoying the breeze from an open window!
Dogs really like having a regular routine, and they might think about the way their day usually goes. For example, dogs trained for special jobs like hunting or herding get excited about doing those tasks. They might also look forward to meals or walks that happen at the same times every day. If something messes up their routine, they could feel a bit uneasy or confused.
Am I the boss?
Dogs have this inborn instinct to create a kind of order in their group. They might think about where they stand in this order and how they can show they're in charge over other dogs. It's pretty normal for dogs to try to be higher up in the order and to compete with each other for things like food, toys, and attention.
Dogs are really intricate beings, and they think about a lot of stuff. This includes how they fit into their social groups, what's happening around them, their everyday schedules, what their bodies need, and how they're feeling.
We might not ever completely understand what's happening in a dog's head, but we can keep watching how they act and think to get a better idea of their world. This way, we can make their lives even better. It's clear that our furry pals are smart, emotional creatures, and they definitely deserve all the love and care we can give them.